May 24, 2011

I've Got Another AWARDS

yes, it's me again and now I want to share about AWARD from my bloggy friends :)
well, they're so LOVELY and KINDLY to give me these AWARD :

Hi, Sarah, I'm thanking you for an AWARD from you. The AWARD is
pict. from here
Well, since there are some rules to have this AWARD, so I am gonna fullfil the RULES. The Rules are tell 10 facts about me then give this AWARD to another blogger.
so, here they are, 10 Random Facts about me :
one, I am almost_23_years_old girl woman, some of my friends say that it is too old to be an athlete, but, I keep in faith that I am as strong as the younger one :)
two, I am Harry Potter and Twilight lover.. both in novel or films I love them all and curious to see the last part of the sequel this year...yey
three, I like to sing but my sister has "better voice" than me even she is too shy to sing :)
four, I always dream that someday I can be an artist...LOL, I have some account in some web. You can meet me on FACEBOOK , TWITTER , YOUTUBE , MYSPACE , LOOKBOOK
five, writing is my desire :) I love to write since I was Elementary School student.. I have so many diaries written by me :)
six, I love traveling, alone or together with friends if you wanna go somewhere, please ask me to join :) hehhehehe
seven, I am playing guitar, but I don't know how to tune it up :p hahahhahaha
eight, my favorite song is STAY THE SAME by Joey Mc.Intyre.. first I heard this song when I was five grade in the Elementary School. This is the first song I heard in foreign language. I love the choir inside the song. It is great, and the lyric keep me strong to love myself whatever I am :)
nine, I dream to have twin children :) LOL, always pray for it.....I really want to be a mother for twin children
ten, haven't think that I am gonna have so much AWARD like this in my blog, but I thank you all who read this blog :) 

and I dedicate this AWARD to all my lovely blogger here :) just grab it if you want it, but don't forget to ask for permission by comment on this post :)

2. Eel
He is a new bloggy friend that I have. He gave me an AWARD, here is the AWARD :
pict. from here
wow, I am thanking you Eel. You are kindly give me this AWARD and thank you to be my friend El :) I am happy to know you here.

3. Adhi
This blogger give me an AWARD. Unfortunately, the post crashed when it was a maintenance from Blogger :(
thank you Adhi for giving me an AWARD.

4. Mrs. Nitha
Hi dear, thank you for giving me an AWARD yaaaa :) appreciate it much

So, now I have 15 you all....I am gonna keep on posting here :) and I am glad to know that you are happy with my post :)

so much kisses,


  1. weiiss, banyak nyeeuuu, mbak, nnti buka postingan aku ya, ada tugas buatmu, muach :*

  2. suit suit... banyak euy awardnya... sayangnya kok ga ada yg ngasih award brupa voucher belanja or makan ya?


  3. @lia : uda aq liat link nya......awwwwww...yang bener aja aq moso km suruh pamerin isi tas aq??? hikkkkkssssss

    @enno : iya mba...pengennya gt...pasti enak :9 hehhehehe

  4. i'm not sure the last harry potter movie will be played in Indonesia, because the distributor problem.

    hahahah... pengen punya anak kembar? hahaha saya malah pengen punya anak 8. biar rumah selalu rame, wuakakakaka.... tapi pertama jadi single parent untuk 1 anak dulu, hehehe...

  5. congrat glo. ane dah baik2 aja kouk. skt biasalah. eh iya, slmt berkunjung ke jogja ya. have fun ;)

  6. wow,, congrat aja dah..:D

  7. hei.hei bocah narsis..congrat y bwt award'" aq d ajarin ngacak" blog byar jd keren juga y...hehehehe:D

  8. awward yang indah sekali...
    bersyukur dapet gitu,..

  9. @eel : wahh...masa sihhh? yasudah nanti saya cari DVD nya aja deh :p wah2...knp gag skalian bikin kesebelasan El? :p

    @maya : makasi kak :)

    @fizer : thank you :)

    @david : hahahhaha....iyo2

    @choirun : thank you :)


your comment makes me smile :) can't wait to hear from you... please leave your web link too, so I can visit u back.... thank you.


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