December 25, 2011

The First Christmas

Six months
Two weeks
Five days,
It's the First Christmas

The First Christmas
When there is no you in our dinner
When there is no you in our joyfulness
When there is no you in the celebration
Since you've been gone

The First Christmas
I prefer to be with you
rather than the new dress

The First Christmas
I miss our togetherness
I miss you
We miss you
Merry Christmas for you, 
daddy in heaven

Merry Christmas too
for those who celebrate it 
picture from here
Image and video hosting by TinyPic


  1. merry christmas, darling.. buat keluarga juga (termasuk daddynya yg di surga)!

    salam hangat dari kami berdua,
    -saya & suami (brad pitt)

  2. Papa-mu pasti jg happy koq Glo di Surga.
    Merry Christmas 4 You&your family!!!

  3. merry christmas sis :D

    visit mine
    wanna follow each other?
    Dream Big! xoxo

  4. bukan hanya natal mbak, masih ada banyak hal-hal spesial yang akan dilalui tanpanya jadi semoga bisa tabah ya mbak :(

  5. "Have yourself a merry little christmas. Let your heart be light..."

    Merry Christmas, dear Glo-ing girl. Wish you have a wonderful Christmas this year.
    Wish all the best for u and u'r family, and daddy, too.


  6. jangan sedih mbaaak...
    mending saya diajak di rumah trus dikasih makan yg enak-enak. miaow... :3

  7. cheers up Glo! its Christmas!!! Ayahmu pasti ikut bersuka cita dalam natalmu tahun ini meski hanya bisa melihat dari atas sana.

    Selamat natal yah!!! *peluk*

  8. @tante poni : rasanya ada yg kosong tanpa papa :( aniwei, emang kapan nikah sama brad pitt?

    @wuri : makasi Wur :)

    @ida : thank you, merry xmas too :)

    @andaka : AMIN, makasi yaaa

    @lita : makasi mba :)

    @annes : sinih2 ke semarang, makan dirumahku :)

    @kang apis : makasi kang :) *peluk

  9. hugs.. :(
    I've never been good in comforting people.. so.. I offer u my hug.

    Merry Christmas dear.

  10. @mba Eka : makasih mbaaa :) Merry Xmas juga buat mba Eka+suami #peluk_erat


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