September 23, 2014

The Limit

As a Superhero, Superman is a strong creature. Similarly, Spiderman, Batman, Supergirl, WonderWoman and other superhero have the power to fight against the “evil”. On the other hand, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have weaknesses, right? They have limit.
Talking about the limit, sometime we forget that we have to take care of our health no matter how busy we are. But human is human, forget everything, and remember nothing. That’s life!
As an ordinary woman, I cannot put myself on the most perfect level. I have the limit, too and I did FORGET that I have to take care of my health. I got fever last weekend, spent my Saturday-Sunday on the bed with thermometer and medicine. Yeah, I am not a Supergirl, I have the limit. I have to realize it.
By the way,
Do you know about TYVEK wallet? A wallet made of micro-fiber-paper which is tear-and-water resistant, light, strong and eco friendly. I heard that this kind of wallet is the most famous wallet in USA, now. But, I can find it in Indonesia, too….yeayyy….. Got it from AnezigTY.

And I already have my own wallet. It is a Supergirl-Superclutch wallet.

my old wallet. It has LIMIT, too

the inner of the wallet

Why Supergirl?
Because I want to remind myself that I am a strong and brave girl. However, I still have THE LIMIT.

Don’t lose your cool, go get yours ;)

be super, be happy and be healthy,
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September 14, 2014

So Many Things I'd like to Say....

Try to do something new in life is the thing I found interesting lately. You will never know how you enjoy your new experience if you do not try.
I never think that I have to meet the situation which forces me to do the new thing.
Well, last week a friend of mine sent me messages. She needed a makeup artist for her and her friends. It was my first time. I didn’t feel confident so I ask ms. Ellent to help me to do “this”.
The result?
You will amaze how those ordinary girls turned into pretty ladies. Here they are…
Beauty is pain. I need to repeat those words several times to those four girls when I tried to put the fake eyelashes on their eyes.
Difficult? Yep
Perfect? Nope, I think I need to sharpen my skill so I can do better next time....

By the way, I think I need to change my "blog-atmosphere". Before this, I used to write in Bahasa, talking about everything and be a "galau" girl. Time flies and I need to be mature, so I decided to write in English now. Moreover, I think I should stop my "galau" "menye menye" hobby and start a new hobby which is SELFIE.....

I don't try to be a fashion blogger. Selfie is not a crime, isn't it?
So, be ready for the  next post. I will post so many pictures of mine.....hahahaha.....
Another thing to say,
Last night, I went to an event held by TRAX FM Semarang. It was ElectroLand Event with Midnight Quickie. I couldn't tell you how excited I was, head banging, moving and dancing. I was happy, so did my husband last night. Here are some photos which I took last night during the show.
got these Glow Stick from the Troopers
We were lucky, got the first row, so we could see them clearly..... Midnight Quickie
the MCs
the end of the show

Feel the happiness?
I hope so....
good nite, bloggy-mates ;)
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